Unity or Uniformity - Diversity in Christian Teachings (Ep.4 Podcast)

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In this week's episode I talk about the nature of criticism and how it is different to having true discernment. I also pay homage to some of great teachers and resources that led me to appreciate the diverse doctrines within the different Christian denominations.

Below is a selection of resources.

Bible References:

1 Corinthians 1:10-13 (Is Christ Divided?), 2 Corinthians 5:9-10 (Judgement Seat of Christ), Matthew 18:2-5 (Child-like Faith), Hebrews 11:6 (Without Faith), John 6:26-29 (Faith in Jesus), Matthew 16:24-26 (Pick up Cross), Matthew 11;28-30 (Lay down burdens)

Other Books:

Mere Christianity - C.S Lewis

Surprised by Joy - C.S Lewis

The Return of the God Hypothesis - Stephen C. Meyer

Darwin's Doubt - Stephen C. Meyer

God's Undertaker - Has Science Buried God? - John Lennox

Can Science Explain Everything? - John Lennox

The Devil's Delusion - Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions - David Berlinski

The Language of God - Francis Collins

How the world's most notorious atheist changed his mind - Anthony Flew

Beyond the Cosmos: The Transdimensionalty of God - Hugh Ross

Cold Case Christianity - J Warner Wallace

The Case for Christ - Lee Strobel

If You Can Believe - Paul Balius

Knowing God - J.I Packer



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