Never the Twain - Why Do We Seek God in Different Ways? (Ep.6 Podcast)

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In this week's podcast I talk about the difference between having knowledge about God versus knowing God. Why do so many people run away from having a relationship with their Creator? Are they scared of being judged, or angry about the suffering they have endured? I discuss how different personality types seek to know God and also delve into the reality of heaven and hell. 

Bible references:

Ephesians 2:9 (Whole fullness of Deity), Psalm 139 (You have searched me), Psalm 18:25-26 (Devouring Fire), Revelation 20:14 (Lake of Fire), Hebrews 1:1-3 (Jesus), John 1:1-4 (Jesus, The Word), John 14:6 (I Am the Way), Ecclesiastes 3:11 (Eternity), Isaiah 65:17-25 (New Heavens/New Earth), Psalm 42:7 (Deep calls to Deep)

Other Books:

Beyond the Cosmos: The Trans-dimensionality of God - Hugh Ross

The Great Divorce - C.S Lewis

Other external videos and links are listed below: 



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